Know what your role is as human resources manager is very important. This will ensure proper employee management and keep you on the right side of the law. Here are a few tips to ensure that your HR side of the business is well taken care of. Firstly, knowing about your legal obligations as an employer is important. Always be aware of changes in labour law. In addition, when hiring or firing people, make sure you follow the right procedures so that you avoid any lawsuits of wrongful dismissals. In addition, keeping a record of all your employees and the payments you have made to them is a legal requirement.

Make employees feel important and valued. This should be done from the day they start working. You can do this by involving them in meetings and introducing them to the other employees in the office. Giving them information on how things work around the office will also ensure that they do not feel lost. A valued employee will be loyal to the business and therefore work hard for you. Open communication is very important. Informing your employees about the plans you have for the company is very important so that they do not feel insecure because of rumours going around the office. In addition, by allowing employees to express any concerns they may have will foster an environment of comfort and this has proven to increase productivity among employees.

Flexibility with regards to working times can be beneficial to your business and your employees. Employees can determine their own working hours, but your business will benefit from a small payroll budget. In addition, flexibility will basically give your business increased productivity and less absenteeism. You can also structure your organisation in such a way that you have a core team that is supported by outsourced stuff. Another form of flexibility is being able to introduce new technologies that make production easier.